Yu Da University of Science and Technology Department of Fashion Styling and Design

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About FSD

The origin of thedepartmentoffashion Styling and Design

In line with national trends
"ChallengingThe Plan ofNational Developmentin 2008–The Plan of Cultural and CreativeIndustry Development"Our Contryhasmake it an important goal to designindustry asthe future of Taiwanto createvalue-addedindustrial upgradingand industry, Therefore, thecultural and creativeindustries, and otherrelated departmentsofficiallyinto the technicaleducation systemwithinthe institute of technology.

WithThe guidance of students 
Incommonwithhigher vocationalschool educationin clothing, beauty Branch,fashiondesign department, DesignDivision, fashionmodelsBranch,TechnicalBranchsalon, beautytechnology, Home Economics ...and other departments, boththeDepartment ofFashionDesignthere areareasof convergencewhich canprovidefor further studiesof thepipeline.

Third,in line withthe development ofstudent employment
The direction of the fashion design department of employment can be divided into "overall design", "fashion design" and "fashion performances designed" three broad categories, can be relevant across the fashion industry in areas such as student employment areas for future expansion space for the development of pre-.

Fashiondesignis therecentrise of thediscipline. The developmentof thissystemis divided intothree stage processdevelopment goals, focusing on fashionand beautycreativedesigndiverseprofessional training, studentsalsoattach importance tothe human spiritand thequalityoftraining, providing students with moredollarsofresources andopportunitiesforthe learningspace andmulti-develop adeeperof thepotential.

he department of fashion Styling and Design

●tonurturethe coreprofessional courses, "overall design" and "fashionable creative design" talent.
●promotethe industrypracticeinternships, providing students with practicalinternship opportunities, boththeory and practice.
●counselingstudents toobtainthe relevant certificates, studentswithoutstandingskills ofour professionalincentives.
●emphasis on studentspracticalexperienceofdesignand implementation, trainingand humanaccomplishmentlifestylecombined.
●fashionguruinvited toholdtraining campat home and abroad, andindustrieswithlocal characteristicscombined.
●publishedresultswill beheld regularlyand organizecompetitionsto enhance students'planning documentsandwrittenpresentation skillsandtheability.

Future development and employment

Overall Modeling Design
Image consultants, stylists, bridal secretaries, beauticians, hairdressers, manicurists, theater make-up artist, body painting models, SOHO family, free lecturers.


Fation Product Design
Fashion designers, process designers, fashion industry related commercial designers, jewelry designers, accessories designers treasure, showcase exhibition designer, fashion illustrator designer, designer bags and so on.

Fashion Design Performances

Advertising media, public relations, professional analysts trends, fashion buyers, the color trend analysts, the studio responsible for the professional designer or host, etc.

Engage in Advanced Studies
Innovative design, application design, graphic arts are, clothing design, life applications, the Textiles and Clothing, fashion and media design, cosmetics Institute of Technology, Institute of beauty design, art management, management of Aesthetics and Art and so on.


Salon B and C; Beauty B, C; C advertising design, advertising design PC B; computer graphics; costume design B, C; jewelry design.