Yu Da University of Science and Technology Department of Fashion Styling and Design

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Certification Roadmap

This department attaches great importance to the acquisition of professional licenses for students during their schooling. During the course design, various license examination assistance is integrated into the teaching of related courses. The map of license assistance is shown in the table below. Each department of this course assigns a full-time tutor. It is necessary for students to have the ability to apply for a certificate when they take the course. The specific methods include the progressive integration of the content of the certificate test in the course. Classrooms provide students with exercises. In addition, the Department also provides related coaching and strengthening classes during the winter and summer vacations to help students use the summer and summer vacation time to review the contents of the licenses and strengthen their examination skills to enhance the learning effectiveness of the students.

Professor Yang Changzhen, a national treasure master in the arts department, volunteered to strengthen the preparation of Class B women's hairdressing photos during the winter and summer vacations, with fruitful results.
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